Plata produselor comandate, existente in stoc, se va face in avans, prin ordin de plata sau online, prin intermediul cardului de credit/debit.
In cazul efectuarii platii prin ordin de plata, dovada platii trebuie trimisa la adresa de e-mail sau prin fax la numarul 0269/ 206 303. Livrarea va fi efectuata numai dupa incasare.
In cazul in care plata se face online, prin intermediul cardului de credit/debit, este necesara completarea unui formular corespunzator. Daca tranzactia prin card este aprobata, urmatorul ecran ofera informatiile relevante pentru comanda.
Folosind ca metoda de plata cardul bancar de credit/debit, comanda va fi procesata imediat, exceptand produsele speciale comandate, al caror termen de livrare este de maxim 21 zile lucratoare.
The payment of the ordered products, available on stock, will be made in advance, by money order or online through credit card / debit card.
In case of payment by money order, proof of payment must be sent to the e-mail: or by fax: 0269/206 303. Delivery will be made only after collection.
If payment is made online via credit card / debit card is required filling a properly form. If the transaction is approved, the next screen provides relevant information about the order.
Using as payment method the credit or the debit card, the order will be immediately processed, excepting the special orders, whose delivery time is up to 21 working days.
A megrendelt, raktaron levo, termekek kifizetese lehet: elorefizetes, banki utalas vagy online egy hitelkartyaval.
Abban az esetben ha a banki utalast valasztja, egy utalasi bizonylatot kerjunk kuldjon a e-mail cimre vagy a 0269/ 206 303 faxszamra. A szallitas csak az osszeg atutalasa utan lehetseges.
Online utalas eseteben, hitelkartyaval, szukseges egy urlap kitoltese. Amennyiben a tranzakcio jovahagyott, egy uj kepernyon lathatoak a rendelesi adatok.
Hitelkartyaval valo utalas eseten a rendeles azonnal fel lesz dolgozva, kiveve a specialis termekeket melyek szallitasi hatarideje maximum 21 munkanap.
The order will be delivered by courier, at the shipping address specified in the order`s form.
The products come in the manufacturer`s original packing, sealed, beweing insured during all transportation till delivery.
All findings regarding the integrity of the package / packages and the availability of warranty certificate and the invoice, will be made in the presence of the courier`s agent. If there are detected some irregularities regarding the integrity of the package / packages, a findings report should be made, following by the refuse of accepting the package. Any subsequent complaint is not taken into consideration.
The shipping charges to the specified address (only in Romania) is entirely supported by us, regardless the quantity of the ordered products.
If the purchaser is not found at the shipping address, the courier will return at most two more times, after which the order will be returned and the customer will bear the costs of new sending, regardless the value of the ordered products.
Delivery time:
The ordered products, available on stock, will be delivered within 3 working days after the checkout or validation – S.C. Unimat S.R.L. deems necessary this procedure.
If the products are not available on stock – special products – the delivery time is from 14 working days up to a maximum of 21 days.
Special products are defined as products ordered by the purchaser and which are not usually available on stock, but can be supplied on a firm order and advance payment, in terms agreed by the parties. The purchaser will be informed if any of the ordered products are a special order.
During the winter holidays or Easter, maximum time in processing the orders can increase up to 14 working days.
A szallitast gyors postaval intezzuk a megrendelolapban megadott cimre ( csak Romania teruleten).
A termekek a gyarto eredeti csomagolasaban, lezarva lesznek kiszallitva es a szallitas a megadott cim erkezeseig biztositva vannak.
Minden megallapitas a csomag epsegere vonatkozoan, a szamla es szallitasi papirok letezesere, a futar jelenleteben lesznek megallapitva. Barmilyen szabalytalansag eseten, egy jelentes lesz megirva ezekrol es a csomag nem lesz elfogadva. Kesobbi panaszokat nem fogadunk el.
A szallitasi koltsegeket a megadott cimre (Romania teruleten) teljesen a S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. ceg alja, nem szamitvan a rendeles mennyisegetol.
Abban az esetben, ha a Vasarlo nem tartozkodik amegadott cimen, a futar koteles meg maximum ketszer visszaterjen, majd ezek utan a rendelest visszakuldeni, viszont a rendelo alja az uj szallitasi koltsegeket.
Szallitasi hatarido:
A megrendelt termekek, melyek raktaron vannak, maximum 3 munkanapon belul szallithatoak, a rendeles befejezese vagy igazolasa utan – ezt a lepest a S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. ceg fontosnak tartja.
Amennyiben egy termek nincs raktaron – specialis termek – a szallitasi hatarido 14 es maximum 21 munkanap kozott lesz.
Specialis termek alatt azokat a termekeket ertjuk amelyeket a Vasarlo megrendeli de nincsenek raktaron mivel nem altalaban hasznalatos termekek, de amelyeket egy specialis rendelessel es elorefizetessel ki lehet szallitani a felek altal megallapodott feltetelek alapjan. A vevo ertesitve lesz ha barmely rendelt termek egy specialis termek.
Unnepek alatt egy rendeles feldolgozasa eltarthat akar maximum 14 munkanapig.
Livrarile se efectueaza prin firme specializate de curierat, la adresa de livrare mentionata in formularul de comanda (numai pe teritoriul Romaniei).
Produsele se afla in ambalajul original, sigilat, al producatorului si sunt asigurate pe tot parcursul transportului, pana la livrare.
Toate constatarile referitoare la integritatea coletului/coletelor, precum si disponibilitatea certificatului si a facturii fiscale, se vor face in prezenta agentului curierului. In cazul in care se constata nereguli privind integritatea coletului/coletelor se intocmeste un proces verbal constatator si se refuza primirea coletului. Orice reclamatie ulterioara nu va fi luata in considerare.
Costul transportului catre adresa mentionata(numai pe teritoriul Romaniei) este suportat integral de catre S.C. Unimat S.R.L., oricare ar fi cantitatea produselor comandate.
In cazul in care Cumparatorul nu este gasit la adresa mentionata, curierul va reveni de cel mult inca doua ori, dupa care comanda va fi returnata, clientul urmand sa suporte costurile unei noi expeditii, indiferent de valoarea produselor comandate.
Timp de livrare:
Produsele comandate, aflate in stoc, se vor livra în termen de maxim 3 zile lucratoare, de la finalizarea comenzii sau de la validarea acesteia – S.C. Unimat considera necesara aceasta procedura.
In cazul produselor care nu se afla in stoc – produse speciale – termenul de livrare este de 14 zile lucratoare pana la maxim 21 de zile lucratoare.
Produse speciale sunt definite ca fiind produse comandate de catre Cumparator si care nu se afla in stocul uzual, dar care pot fi livrate pe baza unei comenzi ferme si a platii unui avans, in termenii agreati de parti. Cumparatorul va fi informat daca oricare dintre produsele comandate constituie comanda speciala.
In perioada sarbatorilor de iarna sau Paste, durata maxima de procesare a unei comezi poate creste pana de 14 zile lucratoare.
To exercise the right of withdrawal of the order, the purchaser must send a written statement about his decision to the following e-mail: .
The withdrawal notification must include the following information: the purchaser’s name and contact details (address, phone number and e-mail), the order number and the refused products.
The maximum period in which the purchaser can exercise the right of withdrawal is 14 days, if the products have been delivered and within 24 hour, if the order has not been confirmed by the S.C. Unimat S.R.L`s operator.
The effects of withdrawal:
If the purchaser wants to cancel an order, which contains products available on stock, all purchaser`s payments will be refund in the shortest time possible. Direct shipping charges will be fully supported by the purchaser.
The product must be returned in the same condition as received (in the original packaging –opened, but unbroken – with all accessories, intact product labels and delivery documents). If all conditions above are not followed, the returned products value will not be discharged and the products will be resent to the purchaser, at his own expense.
Giving up purchasing is only applicable to private individuals. According to OUG 34/2014 on consumer’s rights, the contracts concluded with professionals, as well as change and completion of normative acts, the purchaser has the right to notify in writing the withdrawal of a certain product, without penalty and for any reason, within 14 days after receiving the product.
The refund will be processed by bank transfer within 5 working days from the time of reception and integrity checking of the returned package, the purchaser has the obligation to mention IBAN account number, name and Social Security number.
The products that were brought to a „special order” cannot be returned. Special products are defined as products ordered by the purchaser and which are not usually available on stock but can be supplied on a firm order and advance payment, in terms agreed by the parties.
Rendelhet a web oldalon is ugy, hogy a kivant termekeket a kosarba teszi, majd kivalasztja hogyan szeretne fizetni.
Ha a kivant termek raktaron van, akkor az szallithato is. Hogyha rendeleskor nem megy at az osszes lepesen, akkor ez a rendeles nem lesz regisztralva es a termekek nem lesznek lementve.
A rendeles befejezesevel a Vasarlo vallalja, hogy a megadott szukseges adatok az online rendeleshez helyesek, teljesek es igazok.
A S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. ceg fenntartja jogat, hogy ervenyesitse a rendeleseket mielott igazolna ezeket telefonon a vevoknek.
Az arak, raktari keszletek, kepek es leirasok modosithatoak elozetes informalas nelkul.
A vasarlo rendelhet a web oldalon ugy, hogy a kivant termekeket a kosarba teszi, majd kivalasztja hogyan szeretne fizetni.
Ha a kivant termek raktaron van, akkor az szallithato is. Hogyha rendeleskor nem megy at az osszes lepesen, akkor ez a rendeles nem lesz regisztralva es a termekek nem lesznek lementve.
A rendeles befejezesevel a Vasarlo vallalja, hogy a megadott szukseges adatok az online rendeleshez helyesek, teljesek es igazok.
A S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. ceg fenntartja jogat, hogy ervenyesitse a rendeleseket mielott igazolna ezeket telefonon a vevoknek.
Az arak, raktari keszletek, kepek es leirasok modosithatoak elozetes informalas nelkul.
Va felicitam pentru achizitionarea unei ferestre de mansarda Roto
Ati achizitionat un produs de calitate, fiabil, ce va va face fericiti foarte mult timp.Prin respectarea sfaturilor de utilizare si intretinere veti profita pe deplin de functionalitatea desavarsita a produsului, prelungindu-i viata si asigurandu-va de buna functionare a acestuia.
Ghid de utilizare intretinere :
Fereastra de mansarda cu dubla articulare Designo R8
Fereastra de mansarda cu articulatia in treimea superioara Designo R7
Fereastra de mansarda cu articulatie mediana Designo R6
Ensuring the security and privacy of personal data is fundamental, so when the order is achieved, some personal information will be required such as: full name, home address, phone number, email address, as well as credit card information, in case of payment through credit card / debit card.
S.C. Unimat S.R.L. guarantees that all the rights of security and privacy of personal data, custody and use of these data is carried out in accordance with the Law No. 677/2001- regarding the protection of persons concerning the processing of personal data and its free circulation.
The personal data collected will be used only for the stated purpose of this website. Personal information may be used for particular purposes such as processing the order, marketing purposes, periodic newsletters, etc. only with the prior consent of the website`s user.
S.C. Unimat S.R.L undertakes to not make public or not alienate databases containing information on the personal data of the purchasers.
S.C. Unimat S.R.L. is processing personal data under operator`s No. 9345.
A rendeles lemondasi jog erdekeben, szukseges egy informacio kuldese a Vasarlo donteserol, a kovetkezo e-mail cimre:
A rendeles lemondas keres/informalasban fontos, hogy a vasarlo neve es adatai ( cim, telefonszam es e-mail cim), rendelesszam es lemondasra kert cikkek megjelenitese..
Lemondasi hatarido 14 nap abban az esetben amikor a termekek a Vasarlohoz lettek szallitva es maximum 24 ora abban az esetben ha a rendeles nem volt meg igazolva a S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. ceg altal.
Lemondas kovetkezmenyei, hatasai:
Abban az esetben, ha a Vasarlo torolni szeretne a rendeleset amely raktaron levo cikkeket tartalmaz, a teljes utalt ossszeget a Vasarlo vissza kapja a legrovidebb idon belul.
A kiszallitott ternekek visszakuldesevel valo kiadasokat a Vasarlo alja.
A termeket ugyanabban az allpotban kell visszakuldeni mint amelyben erkeztt ( eredeti csomagolas – nyitott de nem szakadt – a termek osszes kiegeszitojevel, ep cimkek es a szallitasi dokumentumokkal amelyekkel erkezett). Abban az esetben, ha arra a megallapitasra kerul sor, hogy feljebb leirt kerelmek nincsenek betartva, a visszakuldott termekek erteke a vasarlonak nem kerul visszafizetesre, majd a csomag a vasarlo koltsegere lesz visszakuldve.
A rendeles lemondas lehetoseg csak maganszemelyekre vonatkozik. OUG 34/2014 alapjan, mely a fogyasztok jogaira vonatkozik a szakemeberekkel kotott szerdozesekben es eggyes jogi dokumentumok modositasa es kitoltesere, a vasarlonak jogaban all irasban ertesiteni a szolgaltatot, hogy le akar mondani eggyes termekekrol, penzbeli buntetes nelkul, 14 napon belul a termek atveteletol.
Visszateritesre, a visszakuldott termekre, 5 munkanapon belul kerul sor banki atutalassal a termek atveteletol szamolva es ennek megvizsgalasa alapjan. A vasarlo koteles az IBAN kodjat es CNP szamat megadni a szolgaltatonak.
A ”specialis rendelesre” hozott termekeket nem lehet visszakuldeni. Specialis termek alatt azokat a termekeket ertjuk amelyeket a Vasarlo megrendeli de nincsenek raktaron mivel nem altalaban hasznalatos termekek, de amelyeket egy specialis rendelessel es elorefizetessel ki lehet szallitani a felek altal megallapodott feltetelek alapjan.
Pentru exercitarea dreptului de anulare a comezii, este necesar sa se trimita o informare cu privire la hotararea Cumparatorului, printr-o cerere/notificare trimisa la adresa de e-mail: .
Cererea/ notificarea de anulare trebuie sa cuprinda obligatoriu informatii cu privire la numele cumparatorului și datele de contact (adresa, numar de telefon și adresa de e-mail), numarul comenzii și produsele refuzate.
Termenul maxim in care Cumparatorul isi poate exercita dreptul de anulare este de 14 zile calendaristice, in cazul in care produsele au fost livrate catre Cumparator si maxim 24 de ore in cazul in care comanda nu a fost confirmata de catre operatorul S.C Unimat S.R.L.
Efectele anularii:
In cazul in care, Cumparatorul doreste anularea unei comenzi, ce contine produse existente in stoc, toate platile efectuate de catre Cumparator se vor rambursa in cel mai scurt timp posibil.
Costurile directe ale returnarii bunurilor vor fi suportate de catre cumparator.
Produsul trebuie returnat in aceeasi stare in care a fost primit (respectiv in ambalajul original – desfacut dar nu rupt – cu toate accesoriile produsului, cu etichetele intacte si documentele de livrare care l-au insotit). Daca se constata ca nu sunt indeplinite conditiile mentionate mai sus, contravaloarea produselor returnate nu va fi achitata, iar coletul va fi retrimis catre cumparator, pe cheltuiala acestuia din urma.
Renuntarea la comanda este aplicabila doar clientilor persoane fizice. Conform OUG 34/2014 privind drepturile consumatorilor in cadrul contractelor incheiate cu profesionistii, precum si pentru modificarea si completarea unor acte normative, cumparatorul are dreptul sa notifice in scris comerciantului renuntarea la comanda a produsului respectiv, fara penalitati si fara invocarea unui motiv, in termen de 14 zile de la primirea produsului.
Rambursarea contravalorii produselor returnate se va face prin transfer bancar in termen de 5 zile lucratoare din momentul confirmarii receptiei si verificarii integritatii coletului returnat, cumparatorul avand obligatia de a comunica numarul contului IBAN, numele titularului si CNP-ul.
Produsul care a fost adus pe „comandă specială” nu se poate returna. Produse speciale sunt definite ca fiind produse comandate de catre Cumparator si care nu se afla in stocul uzual, dar care pot fi livrate pe baza unei comenzi ferme si a platii produselor in avans, in termenii agreati de parti.
The purchaser may place orders on the website by adding the desired products into the shopping cart, followed by the payment in one of the indicated ways.
Once added to the shopping cart, a product is available for purchase as far as there is a stock available for it. Adding a product in your shopping cart, in the absence of the order`s checkout, will not entail the order`s registration and booking.
By filling the order, the purchaser agrees that all necessary data provided for closing/ending the process, is accurate, complete and veritable.
S.C. Unimat S.R.L. reserves the right to perform order`s validation before fulfillment by contacting the customer to confirm the order.
The prices, offers, stock status, specifications and the images can be modified without a prior notice.
We congratulate you on your new Roto roof !
You have purchased a quality product that will make you happy for a long time.By respecting the use and maintenance advice you take full advantage of perfect functionality of the product, prolonging his life and ensuring of its proper functioning .
Use and maintenance Guide :
Double articulation roof window Designo R8
Top-third pivot roof window Designo R7
Middle axis roof window Designo R6
Fast and secure. Thanks to the preassembled components, Roto roof windows are easy to install. See for yourself:
Installation Guide :
All content included of the website – images, text, icons, web graphics, scripts, programs and other data – is the exclusive property of by S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. and its content suppliers and is protected by international Copyright Laws. Using any items listed above without the written consent of S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. is punishable according to the laws in force.
Access to information on the site
S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. does not grant users of the website the right to download, modify part or website, reproduce part of the website, copy, sell / resell or exploit the website in any other manner, for commercial purposes, contrary to the interests of S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L., without its prior express written permission.
Litigation and final provisions
Any other problem caused by the products and services presented on the website , or information presented on this website ,that is not already being treated for any article of this document, shall be settled amicably within 30 working days from the written notification`s date, sent by the user.
Complaints and suggestions
For any complaints or suggestions please contact us at the following email address: .
A szemelyi adatok vedelem biztositasa egy fontos szempont igyhat rendeles eseten szemelyes adatok szuksegesek mint: nev, cim, telefonszam, e-mail cim, hitelkartya ha ezt a fizetesi modot valasztotta a vevo.
A S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. biztositja minden szemelyes adatok biztonsagat es megtartasat, valamit a szemelyes adatok felhasznalasat csak a torvenynek megfeleloen, 677/2001-szamu torveny az egyenek vedelmerol tekintettel a szemelyes adatok feldogozasara.
Az osszegyujtott szemelyes adatokat csakis a web oldalon leirt celokra hasznalandoak. A megrendelolapban levo informaciok azzal a cellal lesznek hasznalva, hogy a Vasarlonak a rendeles visszaigazolast es mas informaciokat kuldjunk de csakis a vevo engedelyevel.S.C: UNIMAT S.R.L vallalja, hogy nem teszi kozze, nem adja el a vasarloi szemelyes adatait.
S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. a szemelyes adatokat a 9345 sz. jog alapjan dolgozza fel.
Asigurarea confidentialitatii datelor personale reprezinta un aspect important, astfel ca la efectuarea comenzii sunt solicitate date personale precum: nume si prenume, adresa de domiciliu, numar de telefon, adresa de e-mail, precum şi date privind cartea de credit, in cazul efectuarii platii prin intermediul cardului de credit/debit.
S.C. Unimat S.R.L. garanteaza respectarea tuturor drepturilor privind securitatea datelor personale, precum şi faptul ca pastrarea şi utilizarea acestor date personale se efectueaza in conformitate cu dispozitiile Legii 677/2001- pentru protecţia persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulaţie a acestor date.
Datele personale colectate vor fi folosite numai in scopul declarat al acestui site. Informatiile din formularul de comanda vor fi folosite pentru a trimite catre Cumparator confirmarea comenzilor, eventualele promotii, buletinele informative periodice etc. numai cu acordul prealabil al utilizatorului site-ului.
S.C. Unimat S.R.L. se obliga sa nu faca publice sau sa nu instraineze bazele de date continand informatii referitoare la datele personale ale cumparatorilor.
S.C. Unimat S.R.L. prelucreaza date cu caracter personal sub operator Nr. 9345.
The order ANPC No. 433/2009 regarding some measures aimed at informing consumers:
Art. 1. (1) In order for consumers to be well informed and to grant them the possibility to express their opinions regarding the products and services which are being put at their disposal by companies, the companies must post visibly an announcement with the phone number TEL INFO-CONSUMATOR : 0800 080 999 – a free of charge phone line, as well as the addresses, the phone/fax numbers and email addresses of the county offices for consumers` protection , respectively the Consumers` Protection office of the city of Bucharest, in whose area the company operates. The plate shall also contain the address of the official site of the National Authority for Consumers` Protection: .
(2) The addresses, phone/fax numbers and the email addresses of the county offices for consumers` protection, respectively the address, phone/fax number and email addresses of the Office for Consumers` Protection of the city of Bucharest are provided for in annex 1, which is an integral part of the present order.
Art. 2. The plate provided under art.1 shall be made by the company, according to the model provided in annex 2, which is an integral part of the present order.
Art. 3. The companies managing e-commerce (electronic trade) must post on the first page of their site a link to the official web address of the National Authority for Consumers` Protection:
Art. 4. The present order comes into effect within 30 days of the date of its publication in The Official Gazette of Romania, part 1.
Rapid și sigur. Multumita elementelor premontate, ferestrele de mansarda Roto sunt usor de montat. Convingeti-va singuri:
Ghid de montaj :
Gratulalunk, hogy egy Roto tetoteri ablakot vasarolt
Egy minosegi, megbizhato termeket vasarolt mely evekig boldogga teszi. A hasznalati es karbantartasi tanacsainkat betartvan, teljes egeszeben ki tudja hasznalni a termek minden funkciojat, es pozitiv hatassal vannak a termek tartossagara is.
Karbantartasi utmutatok:
Designo R8 Felnyilo-specialisan billeno ablak
Designo R7 Specialisan billeno ablak
Gyorsan es biztosagosan. A gyarilag eloszerlet elemeknek koszonhetoen, a Roto tetoteri ablakokat konnyu beepiteni. Gyozzogyon meg On is:
Beepitesi utmutato: :
Cumparatorul poate efectua comenzi pe site, prin adaugarea produselor dorite in cosul de cumparaturi, urmand a finaliza comanda prin efectuarea platii, prin una dintre modalitatile indicate.
Odata adaugat in cosul de cumparaturi, un produs este disponibil pentru achizitie in masura in care exista stoc disponibil pentru aceasta. Adaugarea unui produs in cosul de cumparaturi, in lipsa finalizarii comenzii, nu atrage dupa sine inregistrarea comenzii, implicit nici rezervarea automata a produsului.
Prin finalizarea comenzii, Cumparatorul consimte ca toate datele necesare procesului de cumparare online, furnizate de acesta, sunt corecte, complete si adevarate.
S.C. Unimat S.R.L. isi rezerva dreptul de a efectua validarea comenzilor inainte de onorarea lor prin contactarea telefonica a clientilor si confirmarea comenzii respective.
Preturile, ofertele, situatia stocului, specificatiile si imaginile pot fi modificate fara o notificare prealabila.
umparatorul poate efectua comenzi pe site, prin adaugarea produselor dorite in cosul de cumparaturi, urmand a finaliza comanda efectuand plata prin una dintre modalitatile indicate.
Odata adaugat in cosul de cumparaturi, un produs este disponibil pentru achizitie in masura in care exista stoc disponibil pentru aceasta. Adaugarea unui produs in cosul de cumparaturi, in lipsa finalizarii comenzii, nu atrage dupa sine inregistrarea comenzii, implicit nici rezervarea automata a produsului.
Prin finalizarea comenzii, cumparatorul consimte ca toate datele necesare procesului de cumparare online , furnizate de acesta, sunt corecte, complete si adevarate.
S.C. Unimat S.R.L. isi rezerva dreptul de a efectua validarea comenzilor inainte de onorarea lor prin contactarea telefonica a cumparatorului si confirmarea comenzii respective.
Preturile, ofertele, situatia stocului, specificatiile si imaginile pot fi modificate fara o notificare prealabila.
Szerzoi jogok
A web oldal teljes tartalma – kepek, szimbolumok, grafikai elemek, web, parancsfajlok, programok es minden mas adat – a S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. ceg es ennek szallitoi tulajdona es a Szerzoi es ipari tulajdon jogok vedelme alatt al. A S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. ceg irasos engedelje nekuli barmely fent emlitett elem hasznalata, jog szerint buntetendo.
Hozzaferes a web oldalon levo informaciokhoz
A S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L ceg nem engedelyezi az oldal felhasznaloinak a web oldal letolteset vagy megvaltoztatasat reszben vagy teljesen, masolasat, eladasat/viszonteladasat vagy kihasznalasat barmilyen modon, kereskedelmi celbol vagy a ceg ellentetes erdekevel a S.C. UNIMAT S.R.L. irasos engedelye nelkul.
Pereskedes es vegso rendelkezesek
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ANPC Rend. 433/2009 a fogyasztok tajekozdatasi intezkedesekkel kapcsolatban:
Art. 1. (1) 1. Cikk (1) A fogyasztok helyes informalasa es annak erdekeben, hogy meglegyen a lehetoseguk a velemenyuk kifejezesere a szamukra rendelkezesre alo termekek es szolgaltatasokrol, a szolgalatatok kotelesek egy lathato helyen a kereskedelmi vagy szolgaltatasi terukon a Felhasznalo Info telefonszamat megjeleniteni: 0800 080 999 – ingyen hivhato szam, es a megyei fogyasztovedelem vagy a bukaresti fogyasztovedelem amelynek a joghatosaga ala tartozik a szolgaltato, cimet, telefon/fax szamat es e-mail cimet :
(2)A megyei fogyasztovedelem cimet, telefon/fax szamat es e-mail cimet vagy a bukaresti fogyasztovedelem cimet, telefon/fax szamat es e-mail cimet az 1.mellekletben talalhatoak mely resze a jelen rendeletnek.
Art. 2. cikk Az 1.cikkben leirtakat a szolgalato figyelmevel, a 2. mellekletben letezo minta szerint mely resze a jelen rendeletnek, lesz vegrahajtva a szolgalto altal.
Art. 3. cikk Azok a szolgaltatok akik e-commerce web oldalok tulajdonosai ( elektronikus eladas), kotelesek a web oldaluk elso oldalan (home page) egy linket kesziteni a Nemzeti Fogyasztovedelmi Hatosag web oldalhoz:
Art. 4. cikk A jelen rendelet, Romania Hivatalos Kozlonyeben, 1.resz, megjelenese utan 30 napon belul lep ervenyessegbe.
Ordinul ANPC nr. 433/2009 privind unele masuri de informare a consumatorilor:
Art. 1. (1) Pentru buna informare a consumatorilor si pentru a le acorda acestora posibilitatea sa isi exprime opinia cu privire la produsele si serviciile ce le sunt puse la dispozitie de catre operatorii economici, este obligatorie afisarea de catre operatorii economici, la loc vizibil in spatiul de comercializare sau, dupa caz, de prestare a serviciilor, a unui anunt cu numarul de telefon TEL INFO – CONSUMATOR: 0800 080 999 – linie telefonica cu apelare gratuita, precum si adresele, numerele de telefon/fax si adresele de e-mail ale comisariatelor judetene pentru protectia consumatorilor, respectiv ale Comisariatului pentru Protectia Consumatorilor al Municipiului Bucuresti, in a carui raza teritoriala se afla operatorul economic. De asemenea, placheta va contine adresa site-ului oficial al Autoritatii Nationale pentru Protectia Consumatorilor:
(2) Adresele, numerele de telefon/fax si adresele de e-mail ale comisariatelor judetene pentru protectia consumatorilor, respectiv adresa, numarul de telefon/fax si adresa de e-mail ale Comisariatului pentru Protectia Consumatorilor al Municipiului Bucuresti sunt prevazute in anexa nr. 1, care face parte integranta din prezentul ordin.
Art. 2. Placheta prevazuta la art. 1 va fi realizata prin grija operatorului economic, conform modelului prevazut in anexa nr. 2, care face parte integranta din prezentul ordin.
Art. 3. Operatorii economici care administreaza site-uri de e-commerce (comert electronic) sunt obligati sa prezinte pe prima pagina a site-ului (home page) un link catre adresa oficiala de web a Autoritatii Nationale pentru Protectia Consumatorilor:
Art. 4. Prezentul ordin intra in vigoare in termen de 30 de zile de la data publicarii in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I.